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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Things in Herds

signing for Trust me rec

 | pall youhideme
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Things in Herds - signing for Trust me rec | Varie
How cool, friends of Things in Herds have just signed for Trust Me records, and then Their I Can Dancing And Walking (read koma#9) is going to be released in Uk, rest of Europe, USA, Japan.. good luck guys! [ps. if You are in London, the next live show will be at the 12 Bar Club, Denmark St on Thursday April 25th, - free mp3's on the website] // Bello, gli amici Things in Herds hanno firmato per la Trust Me records, e quindi il Loro I Can Dancing And Walking (leggi recensio su koma#9) sarà distribuito in Europa, USA, Jappone.. buona fortuna! (mp3 gratis qui)
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