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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Rectum Bar

Dove puoi chiedere il famoso panino alla mer*a.

 | pall youhideme
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"The bar takes its shape from the human digestive system: starting with the tongue, continuing to the stomach, moving through the small and the large intestines and exiting through the anus. While BarRectum is anatomically correct, the last part of the large intestine has been inflated to a humongous size to hold as many drinking customers at the bar as possible. The anus itself is part of a large door that doubles as an emergency exit."

- I like the part saying of 'an emergency exit'..

[originally found via Boing Boing - whose people's jokes and anal-ysis are simply excellent]

- Work by Atelier Van Lieshout, also author of the Huize Organus, other giant organs, and other interesting projects, all from "a large old warehouse in the harbours of Rotterdam", Holland. - The BarRectum is placed in Vienna, Austria.

[BarRectum in pieces in the workshop]
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