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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

That's a Cappuccino

Actually, it's not.

Monna Lisa style.

 | pall youhideme
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That's a Cappuccino is a website that takes it seriously.
Although, personally, every time i go abroad, and order a caffè as well as a cappuccino, i know it'll be like playing lottery and hoping to win, - because in Italy, our cappuccino is not their cappuccino. Like about ordering an espresso.
I know, i hate too when people say that there's nothing like what their mama does at home.. sounds always snobbish, - anyway.. I think it is a diatribe among aliens, like if an italian and a greek argue to determine the perfect recipe for sushi, isn't it?

Btw, it's a lovely mission and website. Let's enjoy a cappuccino, - but please, never, NEVER with a pizza, un piatto di pasta, - or, - so simple! - NEVER after breakfast hours... (and oh sweeeeeet looord.., not in a carboard cup..)
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