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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that


Ever Now

(67'43'' 11tx cd, I Never Know rec, 'o3)

 | pall youhideme
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Duet from Belgium, Drita Kotajii at vocals and Stephan Barbery for guitars, - it seems it's Nature and good feelings to lead this evocative pop Music. Drita sweetly sings of oceans, trees, home, - elegant voice, She tells. Soft ambiences, filtered through light new wave atmospheres, built by acoustic and electric Music and thin percussions, - drifting quietly or, if You prefer, inving gently to step into the night. Songs are all on a common melody, - i guess there is not a leading track, - it's an album somewhat linear, - it doesn't want to amaze, - but just to cradle lights on candles, maybe risking to be even too much melancholic. Ever Now comes as digipack cd, and it's good for fans of Robin Guthrie and Frente!.
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