ha scritto che la coscienza può essere definita come tante teste che
dentro di te dicono sí o dicono no, che approvano o disapprovano.
Ancora non capiamo come si sia potuta affermare all'interno della
personalità di Lleroy una predominanza di consensi per la scelta di una copertina cosí brutta come quella di Juice of Bimbo. Stando a pezzi come Magnete o Debbie Suicide però immaginiamo che al momento di registrare il disco, quantomeno tutte le loro pance erano pettinate come quella di Tom Hazelmeyer il giorno che ha deciso di fondare l'Amphetamine Reptile. Merito anche della spazzola di Giulio Favero
che li ha prodotti, certamente. Con acconciature del genere comunque i
nostri non potrebbero non far colpo su quel gran pezzo dell'ubalda di Cristina Martinez dei Boss Hog. Di sicuro il buon King Buzzo li porterebbe in giro con sè a prendere per il culo qualche barbiere, mi sa. In un certo tipo di noise ammettiamo di avere la predilezione assoluta per Cows e Hiroshima Rocks Around. Probabilmente loro se ne sbattono, ma tanto per far discorsi da parrucchiere i Lleroy
più che cercare gli slanci adamantini di gran classe dei primi o la
psicosi terroristica dei secondi insistono su un taglio pistone e
spaccatutto a oltranza che a nostro modestissimo parere è più riuscito
quando sconfina nel retrobottega di un postgrunge acido e barbuto.
Anche per le ottime doti del cantante. I pezzi con i testi in italiano
ve li sconsigliamo. Ricevuta?
Lleroy - Juice of Bimbo (8tx CD, Valvolare + Marinaio Gaio rec 'o8) - Pirandello wrote that coscience can be meant as a whole of several heads inside of You that prompt yes or no, that approve or don't. Yet, we don't see how inside of Lleroy's personality it had grown a predominance of consensus for a such so ugly CD cover art as it is Juice of Bimbo's. However, listening to tracks as Magnete or Debbie Suicide we can imagine that during the recordings, at least their belly was combed like Tom Hazelmeyer's one the day He decided to found Amphetamine Reptile. For sure, that's also thanks to Giulio Favero's hairbrush, - the man behind production. Anyway, with a hairstyle like that, our beloved Lleroy might Cristina Martinez crush on them. Certainly, a good King Buzzo would want their company to hang out around and make laugh of barbers together. For a certain range/kind of noise music genre, - we can say we totally love Cows as well Hiroshima Rocks Around. Probably Lleroy doesn't care a thing about that, but, just to keep on making hairdresser's salon gossip, Lleroy, instead of looking for the harsh and pure attitude of first or to the terroristic psychosis of the latter, They focus on long taste hard-kicking-ass rhythmics, that as regards us, that works best when it turns post-grunge acid and beared. And also thanks to singer's excellent talent. - On the contrary, - the tracks in italian are not all that good. Got it?
Lleroy - Juice of Bimbo (8tx CD, Valvolare + Marinaio Gaio rec 'o8) - Pirandello wrote that coscience can be meant as a whole of several heads inside of You that prompt yes or no, that approve or don't. Yet, we don't see how inside of Lleroy's personality it had grown a predominance of consensus for a such so ugly CD cover art as it is Juice of Bimbo's. However, listening to tracks as Magnete or Debbie Suicide we can imagine that during the recordings, at least their belly was combed like Tom Hazelmeyer's one the day He decided to found Amphetamine Reptile. For sure, that's also thanks to Giulio Favero's hairbrush, - the man behind production. Anyway, with a hairstyle like that, our beloved Lleroy might Cristina Martinez crush on them. Certainly, a good King Buzzo would want their company to hang out around and make laugh of barbers together. For a certain range/kind of noise music genre, - we can say we totally love Cows as well Hiroshima Rocks Around. Probably Lleroy doesn't care a thing about that, but, just to keep on making hairdresser's salon gossip, Lleroy, instead of looking for the harsh and pure attitude of first or to the terroristic psychosis of the latter, They focus on long taste hard-kicking-ass rhythmics, that as regards us, that works best when it turns post-grunge acid and beared. And also thanks to singer's excellent talent. - On the contrary, - the tracks in italian are not all that good. Got it?
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sì, avevo pensato a 'that beautiful piece of Ubalda' ma per una questione culturale non avrebbe avuto lo stesso effetto ;-)
(25/08/2008 12:50:00 - ip: 89.97....)
gran bel pezzo dell'ubalda è intraducibile, perdonami, border è da paura cmq
(25/08/2008 12:46:00 - ip: 79.43....)
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