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Hateful Town / A Second Replayed Murder

(2tx – 7'', 8'30''ca – Safranin Sound, 'o9)

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Dalla Francia con rumore. Ma anche con tanto dream-pop e tanta voglia di melodia. Il 7'' in oggetto fa seguito a Not What Happens, disco d'esordio della band, e contiene due brani che spiccano per acida armonia: Hateful Town, senza troppe acrobazie nè giri di parole, si mostra subito debitrice di un sound tipicamente My Bloody Valentine, soprattutto laddove le abrasioni chitarristiche vengono a collidere con eteree linee di synth.
Il lato B, ovvero A Second Replayed Murder, poco si distacca dalle suggestioni che emergono dal primo lato, ma in questo caso le redini del brano vengono saldamente tenute in pugno da un synth in forte tinta wave.
Non ci resta che attendere...


From France, with noise. But also with a lot of dream-pop attitude and deeply oriented to tuneful melodies. This 7" follows Not What Happens, debut full-lenght release, it features two tracks that focus over an acid harmony: Hateful Town, no roundabout ways, it's typically sound à la My Bloody Valentine, overall there where the abrasive guitar plays crush into ethereal lines of synth.
The b-side, that is
A Second Replayed Murder, it's not that different from the images of the other face, but, in this case, reins are kept straight through a strong work of synth, on colourful new-wave shades.

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