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Japanese Gum

Lost in Weirdness

 | pall youhideme
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"Stasera alle 21:30 all'interno del programma 7INCH anteprima JAPANESE GUM dal nuovo mini-album in uscita su CHEW-Z a fine agosto. sintonizzatevi alle 21:30 cliccando 'on air' da qui:"

"[..] During the sessions for the first full-lenght, Japanese Gum put some unreleased tracks/versions together with few friends' remixes into “Lost in weirdness” (remixes by Isan, Die stadt der romantiche punks, Eniac…).
The new album “Hey Folks! Nevermind, we are all falling down” will be released in september 2009 by Friend of mine records [..].
" [>]
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