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Future Perfect

(11tx cd, 51'53'' DMZ/Sony Music rec 'o5)

 | pall youhideme
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DMZ is Coen Brothers' record label; and what makes these two brilliant brothers even more brilliant? - Answer: They signed Autolux. - Autolux are a perfect mixture of melodic diversity LA-based three piece, shining through the noise of chaotic guitars, precise steady drumming, and quite male vocals, - all perfectly fitting in a particular context of pop. And when i write down 'pop', be sure i'm not talking of shit à la britneyspears/mtv. When an indie attitude melts with Noise Music, Something wonderful and higher takes form here. Like Plantlife, Here Comes Everybody: pure melodic expressions dear to shoegazer fans, or sleepy march of Great Days for the Passenger Element, as well as Asleep at the Trigger, dreamy and simply genuine like one of best Clinic songs (- i also read They have been touring together). - This album has got the luck to never be boring, - it's High Quality and burning Sparkle, - and notwithstanding You can feel everything is measured, calculated (listen to Blanket!), - it's always exciting, and genuine: do You understand what i mean? And the excellent production remembers me of the first time i heard Sonic Youth's Dirty.. (and actually, Angry Candy has got something à la Sugar Kane..) ps. Azar, the girl at percussion, is fucking, fucking talented.
-› video: turnstile blues.
-› mp3: here comes everybody (via
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