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And i forgot: last night, or that one before, i cant remember, i downloaded and watched The Carnival of Souls, - You can get it too for free at;
audio is not fantastic, but video quality works fine. - it's a must-see
classic horror psychic movie, made on a low-budget in '62, by Herk Harvey:
warmly suggested, - especially if You find Yourself alone in a cold
stormy night,- so that You can best enjoy the haunted story, the
silence of the reflected reality, as well as the creepy organ theme (score by Gene Moore). - I Love this film because its amateurish nature gives it a touch of true reality, notwithstanding is a nightmare. - Let me know if You watch it and You glad it
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pall youhideme writes: Who said colors?
(12/08/2024 10:39:00 - ip: 217.20...)
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Dirty Three - feat. Cat PowerVarie
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story - official releaseVarie
27/02 Genova @ Cinemino Ad Astra 28/02 Firenze @ Sala Vanni 27/03 Brescia @ Teatro Grande (duo con Emanuele Siniscalco) 28/03 Piangipane (Ra) @ Teatro Sociale 29/03 Bologna @ Efesto 04/04 Palermo @ Sponde Sonore, Cantieri culturali alla Zisa
20/03 Macerata @ Mount Echo 21/03 Ravenna @ Bronson (link prevendita) 22/03 Milano @ Spazio Teatro 89 - Bongo Joe night 23/03 Brescia @ Teatro Borsoni - Café Tassili
a new performance by ANTONIO RAIA (sax e conduction) with: MAKOTO SATO (batteria) WALTER FORESTIERE (tamburo, organelle, oggetti e voce) CHRIS CORSANO (batteria estesa) ROBERTO-C. (disegni)
21/02 Napoli @ Auditorium Novecento 23/02 Meldola (FC) @ Area Sismica