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My Bloody Valentine

Videos by Angus Cameron

 | pall youhideme
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Angus Cameron "is a British director best known for his association with Creation Records during the 1990s, where he made music videos for Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Cathedral, Primal Scream and others. Several of his videos are known for having a distinctive "psychedelic" visual style." [> wiki]

More than 'psychedelic', i'd say he was specialized in an endless swirl and up-close jazzmaster and jaguar guitars. - Until something like ten years ago (read: before Youtube became what's now) i remember You could even spent until to 50$ for a crappy videotape copy of these hard-to-find vids. Today, You can download a honest small view version in a DVblog post, or just get them on Youtube.

Btw, i firmly prefer what Douglas Hart, ex-Jesus and Mary Chain bassist (and founding member), done for You Made Me Realise and Feed Me With Your Kiss,  - and actually i'm curious to know if He wore sunglasses even when he filmed his videos.

Anyway, while looks like Cameron's director career has been brief, - "more recently, in early 2009 Douglas [Hart] directed the music video for The Horrors' new single, "Sea Within A Sea" as well as Pet Shop Boys' "Did You See Me Coming?".
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