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Derek Bailey


 | pall youhideme
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Derek BaileyDerek Bailey passed away on 25th dec 'o5, at 75yrs old. Not this derek bailey, but this One. - Public enemy as concerns harmony and rythm since ever, - He was a, sorry, the pioneer of free jazz improvvisation, - talented guitarist and gigantic experimenter. - At justforaday weblog, it features a fast portratit through a few mp3s. - In memory, and pleasure, - enjoy.
¬mp3 (via justforaday)
. Derek Bailey - M5 (1975)
. Derek Bailey - Niigata Snow (1981)
. Derek Bailey & Jamie Muir - Jara (1981)
. Derek Bailey - Two 50 (1991)
. Derek Bailey & Ruins - Quinka Matta (1995)
. Derek Bailey & Min Xiao-Fen - Bai Ha She (Viper) (1998) .
. Derek Bailey - Carpal Tunnel After 3 Weeks (2005)
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