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Three Mile Pilot

 | pall youhideme
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Three Mile Pilot, where are You?It was about one year ago when i read with HUGE joy that Three Mile Pilot were going to release a new album.. but but.. probably things didnt come as planned, because no news came out since there. Btw, at mp3it, runned by Three Mile Pilot's roadie Jason Soares, there are some mp3s of live recordings, and pieces like 97 Mt still give me the shivers after more than 12 years of listens. - Anyway, until some months ago mp3 rate quality was pretty good, now its average is pertty low, although it's always worth a download; more, You can find Music from Black Heart Procession and other san diego based indies.

ps. note, website's server is somewhat slow, besides having some html errors to be fixed, - btw, downloads work fine.

ps2. i know You are askingig at least for one quality ¬mp3 [via Epitonic]:
.On A Ship to Bangladesh
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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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