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The Noisettes

Three moods of the

(4tx ep, 15'42" - Genepool 'o5)

 | pall youhideme
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This three piece Band from London is somewhat contradictive, just like the ep titles it-self. If i only had heard Don't Give Up and Burn, i'd have labelled everything like on the way of The Gossip, where pitchchanged bluesy dissonant guitars embrace amazing sensual and soulfoul female vocals, alternating rage and sweetness. But, when playback is on Signs, rhythmically picking and plucking guitar, it is like wondering what if Ani Di Franco wasn't all that annoying i think she is, even if the funk accent here brings everything far from an indie environment and falls into emptiness of mainstream, like it happens for Monthe Christo, total smug ecletcticism.

¬mp3 [via and more @ radio free interent blog]:
1. don't give up
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