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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

The Intellectuals

su RadioActivity

 | pall youhideme
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The Intellectuals - su RadioActivity | Varie
Piano piano mi sto spulciando tutti i gruppi esposti su RadioActivity (nostrano underground showcase, concerti, risorse indie), e l'ultima bella scoperta è il duo combo-garage degli Intellectuals, un lui e una lei, pregni di lo-fi stay sick e quel blues_punk di memoria un pò Cramps. Davvero carini. Ascoltatevi le brevi Freedom of Love (1,6mb) e Killer Girl (2mb). // It takes me a while, but i'm trying to hear each band on RadioActivity (an italian underground showcase with a lot of local alternative Bands, indie stuff, live dates), - and my last discovery is the garage-combo duet named The Intellectuals, boy+girl, lo-fi stay_sick moods, a Cramps-ish blues-punk style. Download Freedom of Love (1,6mb) and Killer Girl (2mb).
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