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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Nice System

aka Remington Super 60

new release to come

 | pall youhideme
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Nice System - aka Remington Super 60 | Varie
Read interview / Leggi l'intervistaLa SHADO rec. annuncia per ottobre l'uscita di Impractical Guide To The Opposite Sex, dei Nice System, ovvero un progetto parallelo dei maginifici Remington Super 6o [intervistati sullo scorso komakino]: eccellenti collaborazioni! Da miss Maki Nomiya dei Pizzicato Five a Brent Kenji di The Fairways, e gli Ursula 1000. Clicca qui per tutte le info. // Italian indie label SHADO rec. announces for october the european distribution of Impractical Guide To The Opposite Sex, by Nice System, - that is a brand new side-project of wonderful Remington Super 6o [also interviewed on komakino#7]: excellent collaborations, featuring miss Maki Nomiya from Pizzicato Five, Brent Kenji from The Fairways, and Ursula 1000. Get in touch with SHADO's crew for more info clicking here.
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