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Live in Amsterdam 1991 @ Paradiso

(7tx mp3 release, 1991)

 | pall youhideme
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I LOVE THE CRANES. Yes. i do. And i just come from buying the mp3 download release of Live @ Amsterdam 1991, a special 7 songs performance coming out froThe Cranes - Live at Amsterdam 1991 - MP3 Download Release m Band's archives.., the same where Reach, featured on Self-Non-Self were taken from. About 25 minutes, it sees also an unreleased track entitled Slow Song, - a somewhat obscure gloomy song, in the mood of early recordings.. i needed an oxygen dose like that.. the tracklist is perfect and the recordings are very good, - the melodies are on acid, rancid, bass on distortion, explosive guitars, drums are flashing, Alison's vocals are clean and bright.. oh god i love this! - Sixth of May is a dive into the heart! .. with love.. - Read the blog post here, buy Your digital download here else from here.
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