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Valerian Swing

w/ Desperate Living + Palkoscenico al Neon

live @ sinister noise, Roma, 08 marzo 2009

 | pall youhideme
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Unlucky night, - I mean, - no more than 40/45 people for three bands, going from screamo to progressive/post-metal core. Looks like there's no way to change this tendency in Rome: most indie shows starts late at night (around 11pm and over, especially at Sinister Noise club), because of the vain waiting for some more audience to come,  - until someone realizes the miracle  will not happen this time either, - and then the first band finally comes on stage.
It's Desperate Living to start, from Rome, - shooting three songs without pause, whose one from the self-titled EP, and then about 30 minutes of noise/screamo music: as You'll see in the below video (thanks Thyche) they have got an abrasive screamer, restless bombing percussions and fast bass lines. While the EP doesn't make justice to their impact wave, - watching Their live performance You'll see yourself how their powerful sense of noise and distress is stronger and mature, - They would be perfect for Dischord's catalogue (I know, I always say the same thing..).
Later, here You are Valerian Swing: from Correggio, north italy, they are an instrumental trio, people who hate 4/4 and break the rhythm section into a chaotic collection of stop&go, with fast meticulous guitar arpeggio and violent bass guitar play. - Armpit guitar, a loop station, keyboard, a drummer with an odd drum kit (check the photo at their myspace page) - a bass player jumping here and there until the last stunt over the bass drum. Maybe always the self-same song if You're not into the genre, - btw, their skills in technic and mayem control deserve everyone's praise.
Unfortunately it was over midnight, - the following day I had to wake up early, then i couldn't see Palkoscenico al Neon, - I drop, - anyway, they're not exactly my cup of tea.
I'm sorry for the lack of people, especially for Valerian Swing: I imagine their desperation in carrying back and forth those giant amplifiers from the ground floor to the venue's basement..

Desperate Living set Desperate Living - click to focus
Desperate Living - click to focus
Desperate Living - click to focus
Desperate Living - click to focus

[video, courtesy of MarqueeMoon]

Valerian Swing set
Valerian Swing - click to focus
Valerian Swing - click to focus
Valerian Swing - click to focus
Valerian Swing - click to focus
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