my violent ego
may you find yourselfamici amici un cazzo
No reviews, not any kind of whatever komaposts till next year. Till then, I'm gonna fap on this.<a [...]
27/12/2013 11:40:56
See also:
Paper cup(un)official video
Federica Caiozzo, aka Thony, recently main star of Virzģ's movie Tutti i santi giorni, has got a new fancy video, for her seducing track [...]
09/12/2013 12:11:18
See also:
Hey cutie, how old are you?half man, half moon monkey trying to make sense of it all
Giving you all my money? So hilarious. How old is she? Do not swear. Each morning, ready with the perfect pants. In hurry to take her school. Feeding [...]
03/12/2013 11:47:31
Uzi & Ari
Stasera a RomaLive @ Init
Stasera, l'ultima data su suolo italico, per Uzi & Ari, da farsi a Roma, in quei dell'Init. Ingresso 10 euro, o 7, se lasciate nome e [...]
20/11/2013 10:28:39
Eduardo Salles
Cinismo Ilustrado
19/11/2013 11:59:16
TokoloshiOfficial video
Buongiorno, Gesł.OvO, about dwarf-like water sprite Tokoloshi. From latest record Abisso (Supernatural Cat). "For this step OvO had the [...]
19/11/2013 11:34:41
Neil Halstead
and Rachel GoswellAllison, and more.
Neil Halstead and Rachel Goswell, performing Alison and other gems, together, reunited for the first time in years, last Oct 24. Ohhh beloved [...]
14/11/2013 11:07:15
Marc Maron
The social media generationWe're lonely
Got the point. Bitter and clever. Point. Last but not least: the making of is simply awesome, and inspiring! [...]
13/11/2013 15:02:11
Japanese Gum
Homesickpreview from High Dreams LP
Japanese Gum, from Genova, northern Italy, are one of those best-kept-secrets from the criminally-underrated indie scene in Italy, that indie thing [...]
13/11/2013 13:29:33
The Bit-52's
The B-52'sThe World's Greatest Robot Parts Band - Rock Lobster
An amazing robo-thing indeed [via]."The Bit-52's consist of:Male vocals - TI99/4a computer, speech synthesizer and terminal emulator ii [...]
12/11/2013 12:03:30
Alfred Hitchcock
Music to be murdered byJeff Alexander Orchestra
An suave record indeed, blended with Hitchcock's bizzarre humour ("you just put that needle in what is known as my flipside, I won't be able to sit [...]
12/11/2013 10:45:47
Mana Neyestani
cartoonistbrilliant cartoonist indeed.
His page on FB.Bitter and clever, an amazing talent. An interesting interview, on WarScapes."Bhakti Shringarpure: What were the books you [...]
11/11/2013 16:23:05
Eko Lancer XII
12 strings vintage babeEbay auction
If I had any money, I would totally put a bid on this red babe: (near) mint conditions! docet for it. [...]
07/11/2013 16:30:28
The Pills
Mi nonna Make-UpRosetta
Loro, lui, lei, sono geniali, basta. Ne avevo gią postato sul twitter, ma, non so perchč, qui ancora no. Mi nonna Make-up sarą meno elaborato degli [...]
07/11/2013 11:47:45
Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels
Trailer for the '2013 Festival National du Film d'Animation'Directed by Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels.I love it. Poetically brutes! [...]
07/11/2013 11:35:40